Student Solution


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Essay 6 write up

Essay 6 Write up

Q What does it mean to say that a language is endangered? How can endangered languages be revived?

Q What is the difference between a “dialect” and a “standard language”?How do you think technology has changed writing? Think about content, formality, new spellings, and modes of expression (emoticons, photos with texts, sound). How have these different types of writing changed language and symbology? For example, the sign #, used to signify “number”, has recently come to signify a “hashtag” (a metadata symbol that allows grouping of messages) through media like Twitter and has taken on a whole new conceptual meaning in all forms of writing.What is a sacred space? How does geographer Yi-Fu Tuan define a sacred space?

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Just like lives of any living creature or cultures forgotten, languages too are vulnerable to being endangered, which in simple words mean that it has a high exposure to becoming extinct and long forgotten due to inactivity and a smaller number of people speaking or remembering it. These languages are generally native languages that were once spoken in abundance and now due to the extinction of the culture or transition of the people into more globalized set-ups, have started to become spoken lesser. Often younger generations do not even speak the native languages in a family and slowly a language dies with only a few people speaking it.